
July 2019

5 Habits That Can Ruin Your Life

We consciously or subconsciously do some certain things that can ruin our lives on a daily basis and we sometimes don’t pay attention to them. So, we would be giving you some pointers on things you do that could be harming your everyday life. If that sounds interesting, let’s begin! Over Spending Spending more than you earn is very disastrous. The problem is that you’re going to consume more and save less. This will lead to borrowing very often and you might be unable to pay back at some point.  As a young person, this is the worst possible way to start your life while you’re building your career. Cut your coat according to your size, be prudent in your spending in order to save for the future. Eating Continuously Eating past what your body can take is dangerous to your health. This will cause an imbalance and also, you lose touch between your bodies hungry and satisfaction signs. This is also when you exceed your daily calorie intake and in conclusion, makes you fat. It starts with gaining a couple of pounds, which might not seem like a big deal, and you keep doing it. Leading you to lose confidence and this can also cause you to lose motivation and accept your reality. Moral of the story only eats when you’re hungry. Drinking Uncontrollable Too much drink is very risky for liver damage, different kinds of cancer, high blood pressure, or even cause depression. You got two options, either control your liquor or not drink it at all if you know it controls you. 9to5ivers Lifestyle This is not about the job, but more so the lifestyle that comes along with it. You always have the same day, every day, nothing is changed. You wake up, go to work, go home, watch TV, go to bed and repeat. Although it might not seem like it but this can start slowing down your metabolism. Which can lead to weight gain and other serious problems down the line. Change it up a bit, be active, find a hobby, always keep striving for more, in order to get the most out of your day. Too Many Energy Drinks Energy drink can be needed when you’re down or inactive. However, when your intake of caffeine so quickly can cause your blood pressure to increase and your hyper-focused but also anxious. The problem is, when you do this every day, you start becoming dependent on it, and you start getting headaches when you don’t drink it. When you start relying on these things, that’s when the serious problems come in.

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6 Dressing Hacks To Look Stylish At Work

It is no doubt that looking stylish at work could be tasking especially if you’re options are limited. Some guys are really great when it comes to dressing down for the weekends or for a casual outing, but a lot of guys struggle with what to wear to work, how to wear it and look super stylish. Looking stylish at work boost your confidence and set your day on the right track. It increases your vibes and gives you a positive impression. So Today, we will show you 5 dressing hacks to look stylish at work. Know What’s Expected Know what’s expected of you, every company or organization has a dress code they adhered to. You need to know if you can wear jeans, chinos, slacks or it strictly suits. Knowing all of this would give you directions on what to wear and how to wear them. Blending After knowing what’s expected, be knowledgeable with what goes with what. Blending is a real deal here, it’s like combining professional with playtime. A nice subtle pattern shirt can go comfortably well with a plain pant or chinos, it’s a perfect way to add a pop of color and pizzazz to standard work outfit without going overboard. Be Experimental If you really desire to look stylish at work, you have to move outside your comfort zone. You just have to be creative, know how to combine wears together and come up with a great piece. Move outside your usual white shirt and black pant or the black suit. Try out new things, It shows you’re pushing yourself outside the comfort zone and boundaries of all your co-workers are in. Well fitted cut Whatever outfit you chose to rock, let it be perfectly fitted. It makes you look stylish and attractive especially if you have got the athletic build or you’re a bit slimmer. When your outfit looks smart on you, you will appeal to be dapper to your co-worker and their perception of you will change instantly. Buy Versatile Items Buy clothing items that you cannot only wear to work but you can also dress them down for other functions. For example, a polo shirt. You can throw a polo shirt on a nice slim fit pant then complement it with a nice jacket. That already served you both casually and officially. Fun To look stylish at work is to have fun. Style is not boring, it supposed to be fun. It supposed to make you feel amazing when you put it on. You have to appreciate the person you’re looking back in the mirror, you have to embrace yourself from the inside and outside.

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Meeting someone new comes with questions in our mind, we would want to figure out their personality. Is she humble? Is she nice? Is she sincere? and etc. we wrestle with this questions because we want to be sure of who we’re letting into our lives. They might come in form of a friend, colleague, and etc. if you master the act of assessing people’s character, you’re one step closer to being at ease with meeting new people. For you to be a better judge of personality, you should look out for traits and actions of someone you’re just meeting. So here are five tips to achieve that. check the communication pattern Meeting someone new requires communication, this would give you a hint about who they are. So for you to deduce through their communication pattern, check out her mode of talking, is she the loudest person in your gathering? is she a good listener or it’s just all about her? Is she bossy? This is what you should look out for and determine if such personality fits in your personality. look closely to the body language Body language is a very powerful tool to judge a person’s personality. We had body language before we had speech and 83% of what you understand in a conservation is read through the body. So check if she’s avoiding eye contact, it shows shyness or insecurity. How she greeted you matters as well, did she give a firm handshake or a warm hug? This gesture shows if she’s interested in you or not. Observe other people’s reaction Observe the gesture shown to the person you’re assessing through people around you. The way they react towards her would give you some hints about her personality. when she stepped into the room, does everyone went quiet? Or rather the room became lively and fun. The energy the person dissipate matters a lot and it needs to be closely observed. Can you trust the person? The most expensive thing to build is trust, it can take years to earn and just a matter of seconds to lose. This is not exceptional for any relationship, be it friendship or marital relationship. When you’re assessing her character, take an extra step to see if you can trust her. Just dig a little deeper into her past records and see if she’s worth it. Handle someone who’s not nice Not everyone will be nice to you, you will meet some with ugly character while you meet some with good character. It’s left to you to handle them the best way possible. When you can better cope with this set of people, you would be more comfortable interacting with them. You can control your reaction, so don’t pay evil for evil.


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